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1314小说,免费在线网络小说,小说在线-尽在1314novel.com -> 其他类型 -> 时光代理人/光时

章节节目录 Peredation

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    I will hunt you into my bosom.


    Together with the body and mind.


    Put your fingers between your fingers.


    Can we get any closer?


    Under the curtain.


    Your figure.


    Your gasps are covered by the night.


    You are so beautiful.


    I want to have everything you have.


    Everything. Everything.


    Oh, honey.


    We will sink forever.


    Let,s just hug each other to sleep.


    Before drowning in the embers of the night..


    You are like the night.


    Bury me.


    I will hunt you into my bosom.


    With the soul.


    Come close and hear your heart beat.


    Can we get any closer?


    Between the beds.


    Your eyes.


    Your soul.


    Be burned by fire.


    You are so beautiful.


    I want to have everything you have.


    Everything. Everything.


    oh, honey.


    We will burn forever.


    Kiss and sink like this.


    Ember in the fire of love.


    You are like fire.


    Burn me.


    I will hunt you into my bosom.


    Along with the blood.


    Lick your sweet blood.


    Can we get any closer?


    On the Sea of Love.


    Your skin.


    Your blood is watered with liquor.


    You are so beautiful.


    I want to have everything you have.


    Everything. Everything.


    oh ,honey.


    We will be drunk forever.


    Let,s just get drunk in the dream.


    Drunk in love.


    You are like fire.


    Get me drunk.